Property types in Coventry

Coventry in The West Midlands is the 12th largest city in The UK and is 30 miles from Birmingham and roughly 100 from London. It became the first ever twinned city in the 1940s when it formed a twinning relationship in solidarity with Stalingrad in Russia during World War II. It was also twinned with Dresden in Germany as a sign of peace and reconciliation in 1959, an act which was seen as symbolic as both cities had been severely bombed during the war.

Coventry has two universities, several art galleries and museums and the third highest cathedral in The UK. It is also home to the football club Coventry City FC as well as Wasps Rugby Club who recently moved from London.

Coventry’s housing stock mainly consists of post 1950s stock as during the 50s and 60s the city experienced a boom in its manufacturing industry and new homes had to be built to accommodate workers and replace buildings lost during the WWII bombing.

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