Property prices for rent in Priory Wood (Hereford And Worcester)

The rent prices in Priory Wood Hereford And Worcester have risen considerably in the last couple of months. There has been a strong rise in the rent prices this city.

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Average price

When referring to the price in Priory Wood (cities & towns), this has risen considerably in the last 6 months. The average price during our first sample month during March, is . During April the price went through a considerable rise reaching . During the following two months (May, June) the average price had a considerable rise of 0 % with regard to the previous two months. Based on an analysis of the first four prices and the last two months the average price has had a strong increase of 0 % during the last two months.

Data summary
Average price August
Number of properties used in Priory Wood
Number of properties used in region Hereford And Worcester
No data
** Graphs without data are due to lack of information