Property prices for rent in Banwell (North Somerset)

The rent prices in Banwell North Somerset have risen considerably in the last couple of months. There has been a strong rise in the rent prices this city.

Average price last 6 months
Average price

When referring to the price in Banwell (cities & towns), this has fallen considerably in the last 6 months. In our first sample month during March, the average price is £999. In April This price remains at £1,038. During the following two months (May, June) the average price had a considerable fall of 74 % with regard to the previous two months. During the last two months the average price has fallen greatly compared to the previous four going from £887 to £606, which means a 68 % fall.

Data summary
Average price August
Number of properties used in Banwell
Number of properties used in region North Somerset
** Graphs without data are due to lack of information